California Real Estate Purchase Agreement Addendum


California Real Estate Purchase Agreement Addendum: What You Need to Know

When it comes to purchasing real estate in California, the purchase agreement is a critical document that sets out the terms of the transaction. However, there may be situations where the parties need to modify the terms of the agreement or add additional provisions. This is where the California real estate purchase agreement addendum comes in.

What is an addendum?

An addendum is a document that is added to an existing contract to modify or clarify the terms. In the context of a California real estate purchase agreement, an addendum is generally used to add or modify provisions related to the purchase price, closing date, contingencies (such as inspections and financing), or other terms of the agreement.

Why use an addendum?

There are a variety of reasons why parties may want to use an addendum instead of renegotiating the entire purchase agreement. For example:

– The parties may have agreed to minor changes that do not warrant a full renegotiation of the purchase agreement.

– The parties may want to add or clarify certain provisions that were not included in the original agreement.

– The parties may want to extend a contingency deadline or modify a contingency in light of new information.

How to use an addendum

Using an addendum in a California real estate transaction is relatively straightforward. The following steps will guide you through the process:

1. Identify the need for an addendum. Before you begin drafting an addendum, you should identify the specific changes or additions that you want to make to the original purchase agreement.

2. Draft the addendum. The addendum should clearly state the changes or additions that you want to make to the original purchase agreement. It should also reference the original purchase agreement and identify the parties and property.

3. Review and revise the addendum. Before you present the addendum to the other party, you should carefully review it to ensure that all changes are clearly stated and that there are no ambiguities or inconsistencies. You may want to have an attorney or other professional review the addendum before presenting it to the other party.

4. Present the addendum to the other party. Once you are satisfied with the addendum, you should present it to the other party for their review and signature. If there are any negotiations or revisions required, you should work with the other party to reach an agreement.

5. Incorporate the addendum into the purchase agreement. Once both parties have signed the addendum, it should be incorporated into the original purchase agreement as an amendment.


Using an addendum in a California real estate transaction can be a useful tool for modifying or clarifying the terms of the purchase agreement. However, it is important to carefully identify the changes or additions that are required, draft the addendum carefully, and work with the other party to reach an agreement. A qualified real estate attorney or professional can help guide you through the process and ensure that your interests are protected.